Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Critic

This is a film review of the 2011 film Hugo. Only two words need be said. Martin. Scorsese. This man is a cinematic god, and everything he touches becomes instantaneous box office gold. As one of the top 3 directors in Hollywood, Scorsese cannot err when it comes to any directional choices. Casting was phenomenal, shots were beautifully blocked out and framed, and Martin's three-dimensional debut was stunningly done. 100 out of 10, for one reason. Martin Scorsese.


  1. I love your sentence about everything he touches turns into "cinematic gold." Beautifully descriptive!

  2. With it's completely biased opinion, Brody Cantrill shows once again that his review of the film "Hugo" is completely wrong. He speaks of actors who was not even in the movie like Phenomenal, Shots and Blocked, Beautifully. He has even given the award of 10 to the movie because of martin Scorsese, the wanted terrorist turned Ice cream vendor turned Ex-CIA agent turned President of China turned Ice cream vendor (He loves ice cream and government secrets)
