This world has a plethora of terror-inducing locales, but the centerfold of horrors, the most disturbing of establishments, has been shrouded in mystery, a wool pulled over the eyes of humanity in an attempt to hide the truth from those who find bliss in ignorance. The stench of a thousand dying dreams, the dark corridors that threaten to suffocate you in blackness. The disturbing creatures in the darkness, their matted fur and lifeless eyes as they close in to seal your doom. All the while singing the song of their people, a song meant to bring joy now has a much more sinister meaning indeed.
My dear reader, I only intend to remove the proverbial wool from your eyes and allow you to see the true horrors that lie within.
There is one in every city, in every state of this nation.
Truly truly I say to you oh brothers, no longer be fooled by the deceit, and see that true horror in this world is never truly felt until you yourself experience it firsthand.
These are the horrors of a Chuck E. Cheese after hours.
Your word choice and vocabulary is very good, and has a funny twist in the end by saying this is a Chucke E. Cheese after hours.