The year is 2199
The month of December, the 31st.
This is the way the world ends.
In 2012, a man by the name of Tony pulled off a feat of such stupidity that he captured the admiration of two young art students, Jack Brody and Giuseppe. They followed him after this event and chronicled his life of failure, from pursuing his dream of becoming a Hollywood lighting guy to building murderous robots for a pizza place. Their published book, The Chronology of Tony, went viral and immediately hit the NY Times best seller list. And stayed there forever. When the Religion of the Almighty Tony took over the world, a prophecy was declared that the world will end in 2200 on the first of the year. The Religion of the Almighty Tony has stolen the Cosmic Toothbrush, which holds the universe together, to ensure the completion of their master's prophecy. The last of the Hoomans are myself, the dashingly handsome Hank Handsomeman, and the much less great scientist Nora. We are the only humans not in the Religion of the Almighty Tony. So they exiled us. In space. Where no one can see my gorgeous face. It is a true travesty, but with the universe collapsing I guess it's a close second. I now see the light. Almighty Tony forgive me.
What? Hoomans? I'm assuming that you mean humans, unless the Religion of the Almighty Tony has somehow changed the human race. It's silly, made me laugh. I have absolutely no idea what is going on, but I guess that is part of the silliness. Oh, and Handsome Hank Handsomeman is an awesome name.