Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

I sit in a dimly lit room, tablet in hand watching the security cameras. This is some pretty high tech for a security manager at a kids pizza place. To my left and right are electronically sealed security doors, with security lights in the halls. Only thing was all this tech used a lot of electricity, and there was only so much stored up from the backup generator. I check the tablet cams again as the phone rings. A prerecorded message from the previous security manager plays.

Hey, welcome to your first night on the job. There's really nothing security wise to worry about here. Although the animatronics do get a bit... quirky at night. But hey if I had to sing the same stupid songs for 20 years, I'd be a bit quirky too. But yeah they go kinda roam free around the restaurant, something about their servos locking up, but you shouldn't have any problems with them... uhh but don't let them see you. If they did see you they probably wont recognize you as a person, they'd probably think you were a robotic skeleton without it's costume on. And because that's not allowed here, they would uhh... try to force you into a bear suit. Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the wires and gears, the only part of you that would ever see the light of day again would be your eyes and teeth being pushed out the front of the mask, but I wouldn't worry about that. You'll be fine, just make sure to conserve your power, and make sure to check your cameras so you know where they are.

I hear a loud banging on a metal door in the recording.

Oh. Yeah if you don't mind maybe checking the suits before you leave, i think I'm gonna try to wait it out in there. It can't be so bad right? Okay well I don't think i have too much more time. Good luck.

The message finished and all the lights went out. I had used all the power leaving the tablet on and listening to the message. It's okay though. There are two lights outside the security door, coming from lifeless eyes. They'd found me. But it's okay, it cant be that bad, right?

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